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JULY 2023
Finance Company of the Year - Myanmar 2023
With great pleasure, we would like to officially announce that SATHAPANA Limited has been awarded “The Financial Company of the Year – Myanmar” by the “Asian Banking & Finance” Retail Banking Awards 2023.
December 2020
Financial Rating
We are pleased to announce that the Outlook of SATHAPANA Limited’s Financial Rating Result “BBB” was recognized as “Stable” by International Rating Agency, Microfinanza Rating (MFR).
October 2020
Oracle FLEXTUBE Core Banking System
We are very pleased to announce that the successful implementation of Oracle FLEXTUBE Core Banking System was well established in SATHAPANA Limited with the efforts and endeavor of our dedicated staff amidst Covid-19 pandemic. Now, the new core banking system has been functioning full-fledgedly starting by 1st October 2020, new financial year.
Septemper 2020
Inclusion Social Rating
We are very pleased to officially announce that SATHAPANA Limited was awarded Social Performance & Impact Rating Certificate (Level – SPIR3) by “Inclusion (Social Ratings)”.
August 2020
Financial Rating
SATHAPANA Limited was recognized and certified as “BBB” Financial Rating Result in August, 2020 by Microfinanza Rating (MFR).
August 2020
Inclusion Social Rating
SATHAPANA Limited was awarded “ISR Client Protection Certification” in August,2020 for successfully completing of all requirements with highest standards in the financial inclusion industry.
April 2020
Certificate of Donation
SATHAPANA Limited has donated MMK-6,000,000/- (MMK-Six millions only) for fighting against Covid-19.