The Tazaungdaing festival in Myanmar is one of the 12-month celebrations. It not only involves the offering of Kathina robes but is also a nationwide occasion marked by joyous celebrations throughout the entire country.
The tradition has its roots in the early Buddhist monastic community as offering of Kathina robes was originally made to a group of bhikkhus known as the Bhaddavaggi Brothers of Paveyya region. This practice is believed to have been established by the Buddha himself, who allowed monks to accept such offerings during this specific period.
According to Buddhist tradition, during the rainy season, monks would stay in one place to avoid harming crops and insects that become more active with the rain. At the end of this three-month retreat, which typically concluded with the full moon day of the Kathina month, devotees would offer robes and other requisites to the monks as a gesture of support and gratitude. Over time, the Kathina ceremony evolved into an annual event, fostering community spirit and generosity within the Buddhist tradition.
On the 24th of November 2023, the SATHAPANA Limited family actively joined in the festivities by offering Kathina robes and various offerings to the monks residing at Linn Loon Pin Monastery in Yangon. To mark the conclusion of this generous donation, a water libation ceremony was conducted, adding a ceremonial touch to the culmination of the event.