Donating Drinking Water to Villages in Chauk Township and Nyaung-U Township (2024)

SATHAPANA Limited, as an organization that consistently contributes to social welfare activities in its surroundings, has recently donated drinking water to villages in Chauk Township and Nyaung-U Township, which are experiencing extreme weather conditions.

Specifically, SATHAPANA provided drinking water to Htein Kan Village, Myay Pa Don Village, and Mo Lar Village in Chauk Township, as well as to Kan Tain Village, Ta Pauk Kone Village, Shwe Lat Pan Village, and Tat Ma Khar Village in Nyaung-U Township. The donations took place from May 17 to May 20, 2024.

During the donation process, SATHAPANA supplied 2,450 bottles of purified water (each containing 20 liters) and three water bowser trucks, each capable of holding 3,200 gallons of water, to meet the drinking water needs of a total of 2,005 households in the two townships.


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