The Kathina robe offering ceremony is one of the most revered occasions in Myanmar’s Buddhist tradition. Held within a specific timeframe, from the 1st waxing moon day of Thadingyut to the full moon day of Tazaungmone, this event sees widespread participation from the entire country, as it is a time for generosity and devotion.
Kathina robes are offered with pure intention and within this prescribed period. Each monastery may receive only one Kathina offering, and the Kathina robe must only be offered to the monk who has successfully completed the three-month rains retreat (Vassa). For these reasons, the Kathina robe offering is considered a noble and meritorious act of dana (generosity).
On November 7, 2024, the family of SATHAPANA Limited joined in the Kathina robe offering ceremony at Maha Zawtikar Yone Monastery in Mayangone Township. The Kathina robes, along with various offerings, were presented to the monks. The event culminated with the traditional water libation ceremony, symbolizing the completion of the offering and the dedication of merit to all beings.